Meditation 101



When at birth were all pretty well smacked for something we didn’t do or deserve as far as I’m concerned. But the practice was thought to shock you into taking that first breath,. My first thought, how about not holding us upside down and allowing the blood to rush to our head for that first roller coaster effect at the first introduction as infants. None the less, way it was attempted to teach us at birth, the importance of our first breath. Breath in and Breath out. As we age we seem to loose the understanding of proper breathing. Wether its stress or some type of emotional upheave; we have all lost the idea to remember how to breath as we once did as infants. At the rightful age, many of us learned that we can punish our parents by crossing our arms and stamping our feet and when that didn’t work, holding our breaths was our last result. That lasted until that swift hand changed that idea or if lucky, we had the chance to pass out and avoid that all together. For those of you who say; my mom an dad never did that to me. I say too bad, it may have did you some good and if not then I will say your parents would have received some stern looks of disgust. Lucky you!

As we aged we learned through society that breathing properly wasn’t cool because it often meant having a belly. So with that we again hold our breath while at the gym when some hot chick walks by, for you girls its all about the slim look or in this day in age could be a multitudes of reasons.  Hence, Meditation has become the in thing, for proper health. And we are all learning that we have to go back to the basics of breathing with breath in and breath out. Teaching meditation at our house and keeping in mind the importance of breathing in and out. From this you contract and expand with the breath in and out via our our belly’s. As you would take a long deep breath in (preferably from a seated position) the stomach should expand outwards. Not from your chest. As you breath out the stomach contracts pulling the stomach inward towards the back of the spine.

This allows the muscle’s to become relaxed and creates proper blood flow through out the whole body and organs. By continuing with breath in and breath out,  the whole body eventually relaxes. As you will allow the breath to continue, eventually the automatic body will take over and because years of bad habit which; you will eventually reverse to the latter way of breathing and is ok at this early stages of meditation. If you’ve meditated for a long time be aware of the breathing and the stomach movement. By the way this also helps digestion. So many wonderful benefits to meditating, lower blood and cholesterol, I could go one but… you get the point.  This is why it is important to practicing breath in and breath out. Start at first for 5-10 min then allow the body to take over, try to remain seated up. Often if you lay on the floor stress may allow your tired body to fall asleep and miss the exercise. Which, leads to the misconception of truly meditating, unless you have meditated for many years and have a good sense of the breath in and breath out. I say; as long as your relaxed thats fine  sit how you like. Either way the body will shut you down if need sleep.

I once asked a Buddhist Monk at the Chan Sam Temple in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada:  Why is it that some of the people in my meditation prefer to lay down on the floor during meditation? He replied; thats because in another life, they may have been an ox, a snake or a goat, then chuckled.  I went home that night and did told the group what he said and they laughed happily returning to meditate as they do, on the floor. I guess they understood better than I did.  Lastly, I will tell you that when you practice meditating, don’t worry about “Monkey Mind” , By this I mean just allow what comes into thought to be and do nothing about it. Just relax… close your eyes and get comfortable and remember to just breath in …and breath out

Happy Meditating,

Feel free to check this site for “free download or listen directly” to meditations provided,

NOTE- They are not for resale.

Channeling, just another form of mediumship.

Channeling as a medium I can describe it as quieting your thoughts, sitting still and allowing your thoughts to quiet down. There is a moment where I use the techniques here to reach an altered state and allow my guides to enter my body, not possess and allow them to speak through me using my voice and body. Although the voice for Chamuel or Sacreah may differ it’s still my body and I’m always in control. And remember get out of your head, much as I say to students in the developmental curses. I refer to channelling as “a one-way telephone call to the spirit world”. Channelling isn’t a new thing and has been part of human history all over the globe. Such people just to mention are Edgar Casey, JZ Knight, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Leslie Fliny, and Doreen Virtue all of who have channelled and dedicated most of their lives. 

When undertaking mediumship work. Much practice is a good habit to get into. This is a time set aside to offer opportunities and allow my guides to have a physical conversation. I know they like the interaction of the weekly meditation circles we offered over the years to ask questions of clarification, and direction in their lives and even speak with someone who has crossed if the opportunity arises. ( This took many years of practice for me) Sometimes when I come out from channelling, it can make me feel a bit dizzy and out of sorts. Other times, when I try to get my bearings, I open my eyes to see everyone staring at me. Over the years, this is something that I have become accustomed to.

What it is not, is a possession as you may have seen on TV or in movies. This is a direct link with the practice and help of my guides in preparation. And not just sitting on an Ouigi board and asking for anyone or inviting anyone to enter my domain. Not such a great idea. I never indulge in any illicit drug use or alcohol either, especially since I don’t do either. I rather have my cognizance intact.

People, whether they realize it or not, often have information channelled directly through them from spirit. For example, when an answer to an idea suddenly comes to you out of the blue and helps you solve something. Spirit has and will often assist when they can, this is not to be confused with interrupting or interfering, but to help. Other examples are seen in an example of Edgar Casey – and a book written for him called “There is a River”.  Mozart, Bach, and even one of my favourite groups, Ramstein, The Doors and in other ways such as paintings seen by Michelangelo and even in your average everyday person. Your guides and spirit helpers are always willing and present to assist. These are some examples of situations in which channelling can be found. These fluctuations of spiritual assistance are just to help you that little bit as you learn. The choice is yours and always will be. So the experience and answers you seek sometimes may not be what you are looking for and may be a bit more blunt than you realize. But know this, those answers or bits of conversation are always given to you with the utmost intention of love. And to quote one of my teachers Mavis Pattilia, spirit never wastes a thought.

Can anyone be a Channeller or learn to channel as a medium? Why not, you may take a while to develop these skills, and find a suitable, experienced and trained teacher. Just remember, this does take dedication and practice.  While you may receive the basics, many people are different from each other and also is their spiritual growth. Unfortunately, there are some who, take a channelling course and are in a hurry to perform and “wow the crowd” that they are willing to skip all the spiritual lessons in an attempt to boost their egotism. 

That is why I will tell people who are interested in learning to Channel, to find a good teacher, not to rush your search and practice, practice, practice. Being famous isn’t a bad thing but being true to your intention is always a good place to learn and grow. Furthermore, always remember that you are serving spirit first and foremost! In time, things will unfold with opportunities placed in front of you guided by the spirit world, there is no such thing as coincidence. You will know when it is time and when you are ready.

I do offer spiritual development classes on this subject. As well as, psychic and mediumship development.  Classes can be found posted on my FB sites for open mediumship or spiritual medium gordon ellison. I also will send out via email when such courses are being offered and is usually a weekend course from Friday, Sat and Sunday. The cost per person is $300 with a $50 deposit required to hold your place and all payment is non-refundable. This is usually an 8 week course but was redesigned for a shorter period for easy study. For more info contact me at

In light and with Love

Last weeks meditation in March 2014 was about learning to connect with a new guide. That guide was also learning to connect and work with each of you. It was important that when doing the exercise, to remain with your eyes closed. While learning to relax and then through the meditation you have learned to connect via the open doorway directly behind you. The light which was bright at first, slowly dissipated as the connection became stronger. Once the connection and vibration was completed , you had allowed the information or rule of first thought to be applied. While sitting across from your partner , and leaning in, you allowed the information to begin and be told. This first voice as I will call it, transmitted the information through you from thought. The exercise was an important introduction allowing both you and that guide to practice the art of communication and hold of the shared space of vibration. One your end, the reason I was told for keeping your eyes closed was because they didn’t want you to allow your ego get in the way and interrupt the flow of information and break the connection. As some of you experienced, thoughts seemed to vanish and leaving you to open your eyes.

While this did happen to some, two things had happened. One, during the quiet moment, your guide was going back to ask for assistance. Remember that their also learning to communicate with you. Essentially, you lost the connection and any other information, was lost. Secondly, with your eyes opened, the opportunity for the ego was allowed to see how you did by the expression of the other person and thusly, allowed you to miss the intention of the whole experience and exercise. For everyone there there was no right or wrong. You all did very well, just remember next time you practice, keep your eyes closed and don’t allow your ego a chance, to ruin your experience in the future until your ready to part with it.

Meditation…Practice or Foreplay

medYes, the title of this blog is not really what you would expect, but it is a means to an end.

Why did I use such a title? I wanted to get your attention and to appeal to your imagination. With the seasons break upon us, I thought this would be a good opportunity to site down and pen a few words.

I think that when the time comes to meditate there are two separate groups (or circles as my friend Michael prefers) The first group actually attempt to practice meditation on a consistent basis. What you should remember is that the time you spend meditating, even if it is for just a few minutes, are enough to boost your energy and raise your vibration. You can try a few minutes at work while you are on a break, you may be surprised what a difference it could make to your day.

Samuel, my Angel and Guide reminds me from time to time that, were only human., and, once in a while life will get in the way.

Finding time to meditate isn’t as difficult as you may think, you just needs a routine. However, we are creatures of habit so we often find excuses why we cannot meditate. Make time and make it a daily practice. It will not only help with stress but, will also assist those on the other side who are also trying to communicate with you.

You just have to be patient, and listen.

Within the second group or circle are those who just like the social gathering experience of the meditation. Is it wrong? Not at all because, they are experiencing what they need at that time. This usually takes place with newcomers to a meditation. I am not saying one or the other is better. Again, it’s the social interaction which I am referring to, and is often seen as the first stages of their meditation practice or experience. It is at this point where, people find their comfort levels and gradually move into the stages of practice or at the least, should be. Whereas, those who are experienced and are going to practice then do so with the intent and intention of your own experience.

If your just interested in attending meditation to just socialize then, you are just experiencing what I refer to as “Meditation Foreplay”. As I said there is nothing wrong with this but, the only downfall from this type of practice is; you may loose out on the “Spiritual and True” self experience you will get from practicing meditation.

A messege from spirit guide Joshua , son of Gia


Don’t set faith in others. Without faith in yourself, nothing will come of it, and nothing will come from others. It all starts with you. Once anyone has faith in themselves; all their life troubles can be challenged and shrugged off knowing, you will get through them because they are only moments of experience. And each moment is different than another.

Meditation Thursday, November 21, 2013.

medMy apologies for not blogging but we missed a couple meditation nights due to our daughter having nose surgery.

I am asked sometimes after the meditation, how do I come up with the different meditations I do or have done? I remember at one particular time, I wrote down what it was I wanted to say during a meditation night. Let’s just say I haven’t since that one time did that again. Not that it ended badly, Samuel asked what I was trying to achieve and then said I should “just go with it”. I have found over the many years of doing my meditations that the best way to remember them is to just go with it. You see every night of our gathering is geared for some reason a purpose which I don’t understand until the end of the night or, partially halfway through. I have learned to let go and let God, as the angels say and allow the meditations to be as natural as they can be. And giving myself wholeheartedly to the people attending while acting as an open conduit for the Angels. I have also been privy to meditations done by other people and one of the ones I liked most was when I first went to the Omega Institute in NY to see “James Van Praagh” and “Tony Stockwell”. It was a meditation where James was leading the meditation and it involved a particular room. I liked the idea so much that he permitted me to also use it and so I have incorporated it for the second time on this night. You see the items in the room are all placed there by you, really even before the meditation even started, it has always been this way and was done before you came into this physical world. Every item has a meaning and purpose only you understand. There is meaning with all that is in here. My aim this night was not just to lead you into a serenity of soft words and music. I aimed to allow you to wake up your subconscious mind and explore the items and the gift that was given to you. That too, had a personal meaning.

Often people will ask questions which I often give right back and allow them to seek what it feels not so much what it means because I think that we can become lost in its translation by trying too much. By feeling you have a sense of awareness and feel the energy in response to how it makes you feel. Once you have that, as they say, the rest is cake. The room also was talked about and focused on brief moments of the window on the far wall. Or as I termed it, the room with a view. We so much want to see or experience something during the meditation, often that in itself will halt our experience and that is why I said let go and let God. Meaning letting go of anything we are trying to do or want in the existence of this meditation, and allow God’s energy to consume us inside the mass energy of the Universe and allowing the experience to be as natural for us as possible. Not all the time you will have an experience in your meditation, and often you may get frustrated and maybe even want to quit. But I will say if these feelings do come up in any of those times you’re meditating, take a deep breath, re-adjust your body and say in your mind as you exhale; let go, and let God and enjoy the room with a view.

October 23, 2013 Meditation Night

medI was supposed to put into this post for this night but, I completely forgot about it. A habit that my guide Samuel says, is in our nature of being human. I wanted to talk about the meditation I had about meeting another guide during a meditation at the first experience at the Omega Centre. I can honestly say that this was the top where both Tony and James was interactive on a more personal level that the last time I was there. Anyway, I was meditating and during this particular experience I was in the woods and was watching this guy walk through like he had a particular place to be. I also noticed that I was above him but not too far that I couldn’t see him. I thought it was very interesting as to where he was heading and I couldn’t keep from watching where he was heading to. I noticed he wore a tan outdoors long sleeved shirt rolled to his elbows and wearing shorts that were a bit darker with matching hiking boots. He also had slung over a shoulder a backpack and was walking with a hiking stick you would see for sale at an outfitters store. His hair was jet black and looked like he was in good shape, not too muscular but, enough to know he wasn’t small in his size. As he followed the path in front of him once in a while he would seem to catch himself whistling. I then noticed he came to what would be a small river in the woods but it seemed worn fro the previous rainfall that left behind bedrock of rounded stones with various size colour and shapes. He bent down for a moment and kicked up a fist sized stone and examined it briefly then put it back where he found it, stood up and turned left walking the path of the partially dried up river bed. The experience for me was so real, I remember even being able to smell the deep woods, the earth and feel the warmth from the trees covers of a fresh passed rain only a few hours old. My thoughts immediately went back to this individual who, was now making his way into an open field. As I looked up ahead, I noticed what seemed as I can describe as, a wall of fog stretching from the grass all the way to the sky. Then as quick as I noticed I was standing in the field on the other side of that wall as that individual walked through as a familiar everyday event and taking no notice of the fog. In the next moment I saw kids pop their heads from playing with each other a game of hiding seek all shouting within moments of each others voice and running towards this man, shouting his name; Joshua, look… Joshua is here. As soon as he acknowledged them with a slight one hand/arm hug he then looked up at me and from where I was standing; introduced himself to me and said, hello Gordon, I am Joshua, son of Gaya.

I learned that he was well… a “time traveler”. And often visiting other places then, returning home to heaven and would share his experiences. This introduction also came in the next moment as I watched myself sit in the room we all were in with everyone meditating and as I watched myself sitting motionless. Joshua then stood in front of me and said this is called the fitting and then sat down exactly where I was in me.

I soon learned that there will be work done with “Joshua, son of Gaya” as; I am told how to introduce him to others. He will be also working with my Angels regarding Channelling and other related Psychic work for myself.

I have come to know of many guides during my meditations and really look forward to working with him as well.

I can say that I am glad to have been introduced this way.

You are who you are, and can become whatever it is you like to become, be what you most desire.

angelic-beautyLimitations are set in the minds through experiences in one’s life. It is not your job to fit or make fit the right person or time to do whatever you want or desire. If something you want or desire’s become’s too much, then you are trying too hard! You know yourself and need no others to speak the words of judgement and righteousness. Fear the unseen – This is what most people think, but it is the unknown and unseen where, all your wonders await you.

You are who you are, and can become whatever it is you like to become, be what you most desire.  As it was said, if the want is from the heart and your urges or pull is from the soul, then who are other’s to have the right or need to validate you?

You are the Medium we require you to be.



Samuel, Answering Questions

angelic-beautyI am often still surprised over the years whenever Samuel answers questions that I pose to his direction. I say to his direction because questions are not always  directed to him in particular, and he doesn’t just stand by waiting either.  The relationship between him, Sacreah and I,  have come a long way over the years. In my first book called ” the guidance within” I spoke about him as well as Sacreah and how we met etc but, I don’t think I have said much about him  answering questions. In my second book this is what will take place with conversations from above, (sounds corny right, lol don’t worry it will be a suited title) with my Guides and Angels.  I often wonder if everyone has their own team of guides?  Then why would anyone want to read the next book I’m working on? As often, Samuel does as he is right now, he is speaking about that question I just finished typing.

He is saying that it is not about the contents in each chapter but rather the intention of what you would like to share.   In that,  there are many who are of same mind in thought; and will seek many truths from various source to draw on. That is why they will want to read what you will write about.  Now reminding me of what he also told me,  the information transferred from spirit to the receiver, the information is none of your business. So not to concern yourself if it will sell or not, or if there will be those who want to read it, or  you will become rich from it. Focus on the intention and all else, we just mentioned, will fall into its proper alignment.

As always enlightening and to the point, when it’s needed.

Thanks Samuel…



Meditation Thursday October 10th, 2013 – Eat Your Soup, the comfort food…

medWell, here we are again, a nice quiet night there was a whole of five people that showed and you may think to yourself, wow where did everyone go?  Well, its like I explained that there are two parts to a nucleus, and also in our meditation circle.

There is the core group of people who come on a regular basis, and there is a group outside of the circle who come and go.  They sometimes come out on a regular basis, or they are off and on for a while. We have come to notice that over the years of meditation that when someone from the core circle stops attending, there is always someone new to replace them.  But I look at it this way, sometimes having a more intimate circle is nice because you are not only closer to the nights topic, but it also allows everyone to have an ear or say, it’s just… nice, ya know?  I love when more people come out and join us also, but I thought to share part of the conversation that took place for tonight.

I did record the meditation, and it stopped at 35 sec into the recording, I will say that I have been experiencing a lot of weird things at home lately. I will have to double check, in all cases my dad Cliff also recorded it, maybe I can persuade him to send me a copy in the email? Many of you are probably wondering why I picked such a title and it actually went with the meditation. In short, the bowl represented the soup made by a lady in a cabin where we went in the meditation. She not only fed us, but prepared this wonderful meal for us to eat with warm home made bread. This comfort food was represented by the soup of your choice. Along with the aroma that filled the wooden cabin and immediate vicinity, was the crackling fire that provided warmth chasing way the night chill. All went well as we shared the meal with our visiting spirit guide.

The soup in our bowl represented our life’s experiences. When our bowl is full, we must first eat it’s contents before enjoying second helpings. Much is said regarding an interview where Bruce Lee has a similar example with a cup of tea. I wont explain it as it can be found on U-tube (see the link to the right). When we empty our bowls it allows for us to experience more in our lives. Also soup in general is a warm hug on our internal organs, something we don’t pay much attention to unless its too late. So do yourself a favour at least once a month give your insides a hug, empty your bowl to experience more in life as well as other areas. Eat your soup, you’ll be glad you did.

Question for the night:

1) What did your medallion look like that the woods gave to you?

2) What kind of soup did you eat and how did it make you feel?