Channeling as a medium I can describe it as quieting your thoughts, sitting still and allowing your thoughts to quiet down. There is a moment where I use the techniques here to reach an altered state and allow my guides to enter my body, not possess and allow them to speak through me using my voice and body. Although the voice for Chamuel or Sacreah may differ it’s still my body and I’m always in control. And remember get out of your head, much as I say to students in the developmental curses. I refer to channelling as “a one-way telephone call to the spirit world”. Channelling isn’t a new thing and has been part of human history all over the globe. Such people just to mention are Edgar Casey, JZ Knight, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Leslie Fliny, and Doreen Virtue all of who have channelled and dedicated most of their lives. 

When undertaking mediumship work. Much practice is a good habit to get into. This is a time set aside to offer opportunities and allow my guides to have a physical conversation. I know they like the interaction of the weekly meditation circles we offered over the years to ask questions of clarification, and direction in their lives and even speak with someone who has crossed if the opportunity arises. ( This took many years of practice for me) Sometimes when I come out from channelling, it can make me feel a bit dizzy and out of sorts. Other times, when I try to get my bearings, I open my eyes to see everyone staring at me. Over the years, this is something that I have become accustomed to.

What it is not, is a possession as you may have seen on TV or in movies. This is a direct link with the practice and help of my guides in preparation. And not just sitting on an Ouigi board and asking for anyone or inviting anyone to enter my domain. Not such a great idea. I never indulge in any illicit drug use or alcohol either, especially since I don’t do either. I rather have my cognizance intact.

People, whether they realize it or not, often have information channelled directly through them from spirit. For example, when an answer to an idea suddenly comes to you out of the blue and helps you solve something. Spirit has and will often assist when they can, this is not to be confused with interrupting or interfering, but to help. Other examples are seen in an example of Edgar Casey – and a book written for him called “There is a River”.  Mozart, Bach, and even one of my favourite groups, Ramstein, The Doors and in other ways such as paintings seen by Michelangelo and even in your average everyday person. Your guides and spirit helpers are always willing and present to assist. These are some examples of situations in which channelling can be found. These fluctuations of spiritual assistance are just to help you that little bit as you learn. The choice is yours and always will be. So the experience and answers you seek sometimes may not be what you are looking for and may be a bit more blunt than you realize. But know this, those answers or bits of conversation are always given to you with the utmost intention of love. And to quote one of my teachers Mavis Pattilia, spirit never wastes a thought.

Can anyone be a Channeller or learn to channel as a medium? Why not, you may take a while to develop these skills, and find a suitable, experienced and trained teacher. Just remember, this does take dedication and practice.  While you may receive the basics, many people are different from each other and also is their spiritual growth. Unfortunately, there are some who, take a channelling course and are in a hurry to perform and “wow the crowd” that they are willing to skip all the spiritual lessons in an attempt to boost their egotism. 

That is why I will tell people who are interested in learning to Channel, to find a good teacher, not to rush your search and practice, practice, practice. Being famous isn’t a bad thing but being true to your intention is always a good place to learn and grow. Furthermore, always remember that you are serving spirit first and foremost! In time, things will unfold with opportunities placed in front of you guided by the spirit world, there is no such thing as coincidence. You will know when it is time and when you are ready.

I do offer spiritual development classes on this subject. As well as, psychic and mediumship development.  Classes can be found posted on my FB sites for open mediumship or spiritual medium gordon ellison. I also will send out via email when such courses are being offered and is usually a weekend course from Friday, Sat and Sunday. The cost per person is $300 with a $50 deposit required to hold your place and all payment is non-refundable. This is usually an 8 week course but was redesigned for a shorter period for easy study. For more info contact me at

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