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Guided meditations
Guided meditations
I guess it has been a while since I sat down and wrote something. You see I am one to tell my students learning about their developments to do this or try that and in the midst I have to admit that this is not only guided by the other side to help them, but that I should also listen and take their advice. I have been a student myself for many years, learning to develop myself and hone my own mediumship and psychic abilities. I would say more on the mediumship side. I have had the pleasure of teaching meditation, and running development circles for over 23 years and at most every Thursday or Friday evening. I have seen the growth of not just myself but many individuals from all walks of life and the amazing growth of their abilities, experiences and knowledge. Over those years I have learned from my teachers James Van Praagh, Tony Stockwell, training from Mavis Pattilla, Janet Nohavec about Cabinet work, Paul Jacobs and my friend Lisa Williams. I could also add that there were others but long past and their teaching still resonated from those recordings found on Utube such as “Gordon Higginson, Leslie Flint, and Robin Foy”, from the scole experiment.
I have been providing readings for many clients from far places across the globe. In some cases, required assistance from translators. Nevertheless, the information always was received in good form. It has been a busy time for me and even took a bit of time off for readings which I guess I needed. I felt I lost a spark somewhere and that time was well let’s say not an easy adventure for me. I’ve gone through some personal issues with learning about narcissistic people I thought were friends and proved they were not, a hard lesson but came out for the better in the end. I have spoken many times about what I have also learned regarding teachers and life lessons with some of them as well. Chamuel one of my guides reminds me that of all things remember that you are human first, not a medium! With that, I take what experience I have gone through with some teachers and remind myself that they too are only human and can lose their ways. So I have opted to revisit one of my other main teachers besides James Van Praagh this Sunday at the Omega Centre in Rheinbeck, NY with Tony Stockwell. To take time for my spiritual growth and reignite that flame I am so passionate about. Sometimes a reboot is a good thing, such a recharge is what many of us need. Even us mediums and those upcoming in this world as we continue to work, carry the flame of those who paved the roads before us as we reside between worlds to serve spirit.