why people hate their reading…

I just finished a very challenging reading. Not that it was hard for me but, the person sought other workers like myself, to get her answers. From this experience, I can say that she wasn’t happy. Not surprising at all. You have to understand that if you want a particular thing or someone particular to come through, demand proof of their existence when they do then, you will defiantly be disappointed every time, guaranteed.
I like many, I get upset with this energy. Why not? after all like you I am human. However, I also look at this as an ego check, or even small test or reminder that there are those people out there that through their own desired misery, look will bring this experience to you.
For you all out there looking for a reading, stop trying to find that one thing, relax and enjoy yourself. The energy flows a lot better, cleaner and is more effective for communication. If you stop interrupting,being evasive, argumentative and listen for a moment; you just might hear the message you weren’t expecting. Otherwise, there is a 1-800 psychic hotline that would love to hear from you everyday…me I rather enjoy those who are willing to listen rather than like you who just want to rant.
To all those who want to do the work with spirit I will ask you this…still want to go through with it? To that person, I bathe you in a purple light.


Life’s Encumbrance’s

Life is obviously a journey. Many times you may cross paths with those who can help in someway, at that time in your life. Wether, it be a huge influence or even the smallest which, is often unknown. Be assured that everything happens, when its supposed to, at the time line of Cosmic and Universal or Divine Intervention. Our roads will pass then, curve in different directions. At the right moment, those who are in your life may come and go. Be assured, you will all be present with each other on the other side when the time comes to discuss your part, in each others life’s soul journey. Enjoy the trip and to those you meet. Everyone at some point will play the role of student and the teacher.blueberry-forest-artnaz-com-12

Instruction in Personal Psychic Development


I am Teaching an eight-week course in personal psychic development. Cost for this course will be 350.00 per individual. The first class will start, Monday February 2nd 2015. Thereafter, classes will follow each Monday night from 7-9 pm.
This course is intended on assisting you with your own awareness, understanding and development of “your”, Psychic abilities. Throughout this eight-week course, you will learn the importance of meditation and other techniques that will help you, in reaching your goal to become fully aware of your own psychic self.
Along the course outline, you will also learn techniques in communication between the physical and spirit world around us. Learn how to connect and work with your guides and recognize the differences in physical and spiritual energies and understand the differences between a psychic and a medium.
Seating is limited. You must be dedicated in attending the course, and must complete the eight-week duration. The course is NOT intended to provide you with the skills to immediately go out and charge for psychic readings. As with anything, much practice is needed and is important that groundwork be crafted prior to this intention. Responsibility to you, spirit and the clients is key.
Contact via email or by phone. Go to www.gordonellison.com

A thought from my Guide and Angel, Samuel aka chamuel

Why are we always seeking for Teachers?

One would think that in order to learn, you need to discover. By discovery you not only gain knowledge and experience but, trust and faith in yourself. It is this faith, and trust that we need to understand which someone else cannot provide this for you. If you wait for someone else’s approval; you may be just waiting to share in their own discovery about themselves and experience through them. Ultimately loosing the opportunity all together in this or that teacher. In all we are all constantly learning and those teachers can give examples to roads of discovery but in all, it is up to you.
Stay true and remember your here to learn lots. it is with the intention that will see yourself rise or fall. There are no wrongs or failures only experience’s. Morals may be learnt or discovered but again, we will save that for another time

From The Angel Samuel ( Chamuel )

Meditation 101



When at birth were all pretty well smacked for something we didn’t do or deserve as far as I’m concerned. But the practice was thought to shock you into taking that first breath,. My first thought, how about not holding us upside down and allowing the blood to rush to our head for that first roller coaster effect at the first introduction as infants. None the less, way it was attempted to teach us at birth, the importance of our first breath. Breath in and Breath out. As we age we seem to loose the understanding of proper breathing. Wether its stress or some type of emotional upheave; we have all lost the idea to remember how to breath as we once did as infants. At the rightful age, many of us learned that we can punish our parents by crossing our arms and stamping our feet and when that didn’t work, holding our breaths was our last result. That lasted until that swift hand changed that idea or if lucky, we had the chance to pass out and avoid that all together. For those of you who say; my mom an dad never did that to me. I say too bad, it may have did you some good and if not then I will say your parents would have received some stern looks of disgust. Lucky you!

As we aged we learned through society that breathing properly wasn’t cool because it often meant having a belly. So with that we again hold our breath while at the gym when some hot chick walks by, for you girls its all about the slim look or in this day in age could be a multitudes of reasons.  Hence, Meditation has become the in thing, for proper health. And we are all learning that we have to go back to the basics of breathing with breath in and breath out. Teaching meditation at our house and keeping in mind the importance of breathing in and out. From this you contract and expand with the breath in and out via our our belly’s. As you would take a long deep breath in (preferably from a seated position) the stomach should expand outwards. Not from your chest. As you breath out the stomach contracts pulling the stomach inward towards the back of the spine.

This allows the muscle’s to become relaxed and creates proper blood flow through out the whole body and organs. By continuing with breath in and breath out,  the whole body eventually relaxes. As you will allow the breath to continue, eventually the automatic body will take over and because years of bad habit which; you will eventually reverse to the latter way of breathing and is ok at this early stages of meditation. If you’ve meditated for a long time be aware of the breathing and the stomach movement. By the way this also helps digestion. So many wonderful benefits to meditating, lower blood and cholesterol, I could go one but… you get the point.  This is why it is important to practicing breath in and breath out. Start at first for 5-10 min then allow the body to take over, try to remain seated up. Often if you lay on the floor stress may allow your tired body to fall asleep and miss the exercise. Which, leads to the misconception of truly meditating, unless you have meditated for many years and have a good sense of the breath in and breath out. I say; as long as your relaxed thats fine  sit how you like. Either way the body will shut you down if need sleep.

I once asked a Buddhist Monk at the Chan Sam Temple in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada:  Why is it that some of the people in my meditation prefer to lay down on the floor during meditation? He replied; thats because in another life, they may have been an ox, a snake or a goat, then chuckled.  I went home that night and did told the group what he said and they laughed happily returning to meditate as they do, on the floor. I guess they understood better than I did.  Lastly, I will tell you that when you practice meditating, don’t worry about “Monkey Mind” , By this I mean just allow what comes into thought to be and do nothing about it. Just relax… close your eyes and get comfortable and remember to just breath in …and breath out

Happy Meditating,

Feel free to check this site for “free download or listen directly” to meditations provided,

NOTE- They are not for resale.