Comments (128)

  1. Hi Gordon,
    I just want to say thank you for your amazing reading today. Even though I had no specific questions, your reading brought me comfort and reassurance. While I wasn’t expecting to hear from my mother at all, I was SO happy to hear her messages and know that she was with me. It was so nice to meet you and I look forward to the next reading at a future date. Thank you. ☺️

  2. “AWE” is the first word that comes to mind as I convey my reading experience with Gord Ellison. I arrived with an open mind and felt Gord’s positive energy, genuine warmth and kindness exuding from our initial meeting. Fortunately, I recorded my reading and upon reflection… the environment was comfortable and the information was beyond accurate, and this is why I continue to feel in awe. I look forward to another reading with Gord Ellison in the future!

  3. “Gordon Ellison, Our telephone to Heaven”
    My husband was desperately hoping to connect with my son Bradley who passed two years ago. He reached out to Gordon and made an appointment for himself
    (I had an amazing reading a few months ago with Gordon)
    Bradley, our Son had other ideas. Gordon called for my daughter and I. The three of us sat together for Gordon’s reading as per my Son’s request. We
    called us, the FUNtastic Four and did everything together so I wasn’t
    surprised at all that Bradley wanted us all to be together.
    Our son’s personality is shown through. Bradley was a good person. A sensitive happy-go-lucky goofy kid who loved his little sister dearly, and that’s
    EXACTLY the way Gordon read our Son. Gordon made so many references to the experiences and memories we have had as a family. We laughed just like
    Bradley would have wanted us to do, laugh. My husband, daughter and I laughed, cried and laughed again. Gordon’s
    reading was a therapy that our hearts needed. Gordon was specific, funny, and sensitive and he gave us Hope. Hope that we will see our beautiful loved
    ones again and this is a journey

    Thank you Gordon for your professionalism and your kindness. We are so grateful to have had this opportunity.
    Please know that you did our souls good!

  4. I cried today like I have never cried before. I let it sound how it wanted to sound. I wept my past off my back. I talked myself through this pain. And then I took a bath and listened to the audio from our session together again and with this newfound perspective I am finding while being alone, I just cannot believe how much you have impacted my life. I need to tell you how grateful I am for you entering my life and guiding me into the changes that I have been needing to make. I am learning so much right now. My heart is so open and full. I’d love to know you as a friend if you ever need one. You have such a gift.

    Thank you, from every fibre.

  5. I was so impressed with my reading from Gord
    He is truly connected to the spiritual world.
    Everything he said was true and the people in my life that have passed on came through Gord.
    I would highly recommend him
    He and his wife came to my Home with my four friends and myself and did half-hour readings on each of us. It was amazing.
    I would love to see him again in six months

  6. I recently had an appointment with Gordon Ellison, and I must say it was a truly remarkable experience. From the moment our session began, Gordon’s genuine and insightful nature shone through. He provided me with relevant and intriguing information that resonated deeply and felt authentically connected to the other side.
    Gordon’s ability to create a comfortable and trusting environment made me feel at ease throughout the session. His professionalism and compassionate demeanour made it clear that he is dedicated to his work and genuinely cares about his clients.
    The insights I gained from Gordon’s session were not just accurate, but they were also deeply meaningful. They have brought a new level of clarity and understanding to my life, for which I am immensely grateful. This is a testament to the profound impact of his services.
    If you seek a genuine and insightful medium, I highly recommend Gordon Ellison. His remarkable abilities and sincere approach make for an experience that is both enlightening and comforting.

  7. Have to say it was my 1st reading with this Earth Angel, and one that was 100 percent! Gord was able to give me the messages that I’ve been searching for can’t say enough. If your searching for answers please contact this Angel.

  8. I have been to see Gordon through the years for readings and channeling and am amazed and delighted every single time. Even with all the questions I come prepared with in advance, interesting and unexpected information is always communicated and welcomed. It is comforting to me personally, to connect with spirit and strengthen my acknowledgement that our family and friends who have passed continue to be part of our lives, sharing events and always being there for us and with us. Gordon is patient, kind and compassionate and makes the time to share his abilities with others, to offer healing, guidance or reassurance. His workshops and weekly meditation classes teach you to be present, in the moment and to help to remind you to embrace all that life has to offer. I always seem to reconnect with Gordon just before a major change in my life is about to occur or something significant has just occurred. Sometimes our time together is reassurance, sometimes it confirmation and sometimes its new information that brings me a sense or comfort, joy, or acceptance. Whatever the result of a reading or channeling, our time together has been valuable and enjoyable. Make the time to connect with Gordon, you will be amazed! I always am:).

  9. I have just had another reading from Gordon. I can’t remember how many I’ve had over the last few years, but I know will continue to ask for more.
    I have always had in person readings, and right from the very first time meeting with him I have felt at home and very comfortable with him. It’s like being with a good friend. His ability to connect with spirit and communicate with his spirit guides always amazes me, and he’s incredibly accurate. The messages and information I have received have helped me so much in my life.
    Wether you need
    Clarity, guidance, reassurance or just want to hear from loved ones that have passed, do yourself a favor and book a reading. I promise you will not be disappointed. Thank you Gordon for all you do. I can
    not wait until I come back.

  10. I can’t say enough good things about Gord as a person, but as someone with this ability and the ability to help heal, remove weight off of my shoulders, and help me process. The overwhelming amount of emotions that are brought out when he is speaking about things only those involved would know about is just for lack of a better term, incredible. I’m very thankful for him, and how much this helps me. I’ve spoken to him now 3 times, and each time I leave feeling better about the feelings I’m feeling and the battles I am dealing with at the time, both mentally, and emotionally. Highly recommend any one try, at least once.

  11. Thank you Gordon. I have been so shattered since my sons passing all I wanted to do was follow him. We were like peas and carrots his passing has left me so empty Thank you for talking to me today for now I am at peace. Thank you for bringing my sons words to me I can feel him with me . I talked to my dad too and told him I forgive him and I love him. I will keep talking to them both. You are an amazing compassionate man. I’m truly grateful to have spoken with you I look forward to continuing the journey you set me on today and can’t wait to meet you in person whenever classes start You saved me

  12. Mr Ellison…I attended the fort Erie library session you had. My husband passed on year ago and I have been struggling. Really wasn’t sure what I was looking for by coming to this but felt for some reason I needed to go. Was so very interesting and then came the meditation. It was just so peaceful and emotional for me. It almost felt cathartic or healing. You really helped me on my way to recovery. I thank you..Jane

  13. i have never met such a wonderful man, his reading was the best thing i could have ever hoped for, he , i feel was bang on, i will see him again, i feel at peace now that my dad came through, it was incredible!!!!!!!!!!thank you soooooooo much, and your wife is a wonderful lady also

    thank you

  14. I recently had the pleasure to have Gordon do a reading for me.. And I must say he is absolutely Amazing
    I have already recommended him to a few people & will continue to do so, as he is fantastic. For anyone thinking of going to see him but are me he will not disappoint you
    Thank you again Gordon❤️

  15. I saw Gordon on for a reading early last winter and was very skeptical not about him, but about mediums in general. Gordon went on to tell me things about my family and my in-laws that were very accurate. He mentioned something about my husband’s health that wasn’t happening then, but lo and behold it is happening now as he said it would.

    The one thing that struck me the most was he told me news about a relative who has a very unusual name . No one could have known this name or even guessed at it. It was so comforting to know that everything was okay with friends and family that have passed.

    Thank you

  16. Gordon was exceptional in the reading I had with him. It was a life-changing event for me. He was able to deliver messages that no one would have known from my loved ones passed. I couldn’t stop smiling the whole session and my heart felt so filled with love. I went in with my boyfriend and he was so respectful and positive when it came to our relationship. I left the session feeling more motivated for life and more connected.

    I would recommend anyone who is interested in a spiritual reading to see Gordon. He is so sincere and supportive. I am so happy I had this experience.

  17. I just had a phone reading with Gordon. It was unbelievable how he was able to connect with my loved ones that have passed, I mean it Really is so hard to believe, yet it is true! He captured their personalities and traits in a way that only someone could that was directly talking to them. I was nervous that My family members would not come thru, especially over the phone when I am hundreds of miles from Gordon, but they did come thru, just as I knew them when they were here with us on earth. Their messages that he gave me from them rang very true to their personalities. He was even able to tell me some of the items I had sitting next to me that my family members told him I had. If you are a skeptic you need to stop. This is real, and Gordon can connect you to your loved ones if you need to hear from them as I did. He is a very warm, sincere, caring person. I sensed that right away, and I believe my family members on the other side also know this. I hope to speak with Gordon again in the not to distant future. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Gordon, You are doing great things for people like me who need healing messages from our loved ones.

  18. Just finished the Pyschic & Mediumship Course given by Gordon. I’ve always been interested about Mediumship and have experienced some things over the past few years. I’ve learned so much about Mediumship, pyschic abilities and about myself. On the second night of the course Gordon told me my Grandmother was present with me. Gordon gave me her message which was that she was happy I was taking the class and that she loves me very much she was also asking where is the locket? And how come I wasn’t wearing the locket? And that by wearing the locket I can keep my family close to me. At that moment I wasn’t sure which locket my grandmother was referring to. Later that night when I got home from class I remembered my grandmother wearing a locket and inside the locket it had pictures of my grandmother and my grandfather but I didn’t know where the locket was and I hadn’t seen it for years as my Grandmother past 10 years ago The next day I was talking to my Mom and I asked her if she remembered the locket she vaguely remembered it and told me she would check to see if she had it Sure enough my Mom had it in a drawer separate from the rest of my grandmothers jewellery. Gordon was absolutely correct. It is the same necklace and locket that I remember my grandmother wearing with exactly the same pictures in it of my grandmother and grandfather and now I have it as a keepsake. I’m so thankful to Gordon for giving me the message. And I’m so glad I took the course. I look forward to more readings with Gordon and more learning as well.

  19. I visited gord earlier this month when I was referred to him by a family members I was nervous and even worried about become possessed or something silly… as soon as I arrived gord was calming and knew how to make you feel comfortable. He started right away and from start to end he blew my mind away with the information he had. I got a lot of relieve this day knowing I can feel my loved ones and they sometimes show me things of make things move or come in beautiful different forms. He was dead on with what I had gone through and he’s very helpful in life directions. But most of all I had three main questions I felt like I needed and by the end of our hour session all my questions were answered and I left with relief and happiness. He also talked to my. Mom briefly and in less then ten minutes he was able to turn her into a. Believer gord is truley amazing and is the real deal!!!!

  20. I had a reading with you last July, and I just wanted to thank you for the advice and guidance you provided me with.
    You advised me to pursue an education in Europe regarding the environment. I am now in the last steps in accepting an offer to study a Master’s of Forestry in Finland. While I am nervous and apprehensive about the whole process, I am very impressed with how things are coming together and different signs are presenting themselves to me to show me it is okay to accept this challenge.
    The advice you provided to me, on a soul level and the personal coaching I received from you during the reading really helped me to change the way I look at and treat myself. Thank you for pushing me along my path.

  21. I live in Washington DC and the energy here is just a mess right now. I contacted Gordon because I needed a real boost of love from “the other side of the veil.” Well… wow! Gordon has a beautiful gift and he’s practicing it and sharing it. He is such a wonderful conduit – caring and sincere and so easy to love as a human being. He opens up and the information just flows. Within minutes of starting my session the love from my spirit family and the information they were eager to share with me was almost overwhelming. It’s as if they’d been standing by the phone waiting for me to pick up for a while. Almost everything said was stunningly spot-on, and the few things that puzzled me became clear in the next few days as I had a series of epiphanies that brought full clarity to what had been said. That feeling of being loved and having support in the non-corporeal realm has been significantly amplified in my daily consciousness and has stayed with me ever since. Such a gift in this time of planetary transformation!

  22. My session with Gordon was amazing! He was HIGHLY recommended to me by my aunt. I know she has had MANY readings over the years and if she was highly recommending him then I had to talk to him. He was so caring and loving as he delivered information from his angels. He provided me with information to help get me unstuck from my life which is invaluable to me. He also helped me understand the loss of a pet that devastated me 2 days before the reading.

    He recommended I get another degree and twice said he wanted me to contact him when I got the degree. I’ve never heard a psychic say that.

    Absolutely schedule a session with him. It will change your life!

  23. I have had readings before, but nothing, NOTHING compared to my reading with Gordon! An amazingly gifted soul…… I learned so much and all the messages were spot on, helpful, and pertained to my life right now. Just do yourself a huge favor and book a session!! It is an incredible experience of love.

  24. Gordon is truly a gifted soul. He has such a kind and loving demeanour. His personality is very inviting and gentle, which makes you feel comfortable in his presence. I have always wanted to see a Spiritual Medium but was too afraid. After many of my family members had amazing experiences with Gordon I decided to book an appointment. This reading brought me peace and clarity. It is encredable to watch him connect with those who have passed right before your eyes… I’ve never seen anything like it before. I will definitely be back. Thank you Gordon, for being you! Thank you for sharing your gifts with me!

  25. I can’t begin to describe the feeling I had while getting a reading as well as afterwards. Gordon knew things that no one else could ever know. I went there worried about what I’d hear. What I got was clarity and reassurance. I also was very surprised in who wanted to speak to me. However, it was needed more than i realized. Im able to begin to heal after my reading. Best decision I made.

    Gordon is a great person with a very special gift. Thank you doesn’t quote put into words, how thankful I am.

  26. I attended Nov. 11th, in Queenston : my mother-in-law known as “grandma” came through. She thanked me for a letter. When I relayed this to my daughter, after bursting into tears said she had put a letter in the coffin before it was closed. She promised her grandma that she would re- connect with grandmas family in England. She did tell us to do this in 2017. I also will take care f my “reflux” issues. Thank you Gordon…I had the most wonderful sleep that evening.

  27. On Nov 11th my Sister and I attended the 11:11 Gifted Goddesses / Medium Channeller Gordon Ellison event held at the Queenston Community Library in Queenston Ontario…I didn’t get a reading during the event but at the end of the evening my Sister felt the need to thank Gordon for her reading…as we stood chatting Gordon looked at me and said , Your Mother still here with us , she keeps loosing her balance , keep an eye on her would you!…This is kinda funning…my Mum isn’t the one who’s always falling…it’s me!!…I fell down my daughter’s stairs prior to the event and just last Saturday which was Nov 19th I slipped again and fell…

    Thanks Gordon

  28. I have personally seen Gordon. He is an amazing psychic. He told me many things that no would know or even venture a guess at. Usually, psychics have a mundane way of reading that could be associated with many things but Gordon is, bang on! I would highly recommend him if you are looking to get in touch with your out of world family

  29. I have personally seen Gordon. Fantastic man, excellent psychic! I visited him with a girlfriend, after hearing good things about him from a friend of my sister’s. Of course, as most psychics are fake, I was VERY skeptical; even during the first bit of our ‘consultation’. However, he has won me over with the many details he shared with me that in no way he would have been able to know. His predictions are quite accurate as well. My friend and I left both exhilarated and worn out. AWESOME! 

  30. I recently had a reading by Gordon, and It has taken me a couple of days to process all that was discussed. I entered my reading feeling a bit apprehensive, a bit hopeful and a bit skeptical. Gordon put me at ease right off. He is a wonderfully well rounded man who offered me an opportunity to receive the closure I had been seeking without even being aware this is what I needed. Not all information was positive, but it was real. There are some changes I need to make,, but I was already aware of them, just refused to act on them. Gordon put things in perspective. I left my reading feeling excited, certain, and a believer. Thank you Gordon. For helping to close the door with an understanding that I had not previously had. Thank you for providing direction. Thank you for your humor and honestly. I look forward and back with a new vision.

  31. On 11:11:16 we Gifted Goddesses hosted an Event that featured Gordon as our spiritual Medium. We had a full house and everyone eagerly anticipated the messages that Gordon brought to them. Although we Gifted Goddesses were downstairs doing our spiritual healings, we could hear all the laughter and glee from the group above. Hope in the future, the spiritual team of Gordons and the spiritual team of the Gifted Goddesses can unite once again to offer this unique spiritual evening…..blessings to all

  32. I am a very private person and I was very nervous going into my first session. Gordon’s was able to put my mind at ease and I had some seriouis concerns about bringing to light the more sensitive areas of my life but he really was very good at discussing the difficult subjects with tact.

    Really enjoyed my session. Really learned a lot to help me going forward. Very grateful for the whole experience

  33. I’ve had two readings with Gordon this past year, during a time when I’ve been trying to cope with several major life changes as well as how I view my self amidst it all. Gordon seemed to truly connect with the honest truth of my own thoughts, which reassured me that what he does is real. This was especially evident when he connected to spirit and gave me messages from my loved ones; messages I know came from them. Gordon is truly phenomenal and I am reassured that there’s more to life than what I ever had believed before. Thank you Gordon. My friends were also really touched by their readings as well and I couldn’t be more grateful for what you were able to bring to our hearts!

  34. I met with Gordon recently and I came to him at a time in my life where I had overcome some pretty heavy challenges that left me feeling exceptionally defeated, deflated, lonely, lost and with little direction in life. He not only gave me spiritual guidance, but also gave me challenges to help me push through and release much of the negativity and guilt that I carry. I work in the field of helping others, but he really helped me by confirming and validating the fact that I am not alone and that in order to move forward I need to help and take care of myself. This was an extremely emotional session, however when I left, I felt a weightlessness that I don’t know that I have ever felt before. I would recommend Gordon to anyone in any situation or stage of life!

  35. Gordan is the real deal! Plus he’s kind, down-to-earth and ACCURATE. My reading was truly a profound experience. I am grateful for the messages I received and look forward to using Gordan again the future.

  36. Gordon was right on the money about my father and brother . In addition, he was accurate about my low vitamin B12 and iron, which I had just found out from my doctor yesterday (3 days after my reading). I am looking forward to seeing what happens next.

  37. Hi there! I was hearing stories from family and friends about their readings with Gordon. I’m from Sudbury you see and the first of the stories were from those in the North and Gord is from the South.
    Someone had encouraged a sister of mine to go see him in Hamilton; I told her NOT to give out information (name etc.) First thing her said to her was “Your sister is Very skeptical!” What??
    Had me pegged so I had to go see for myself what all the hype was about.
    I made my appointment when he was back in the North. The reading was great, although I did leave with wonder over something he said. “Tell your friend that lost their baby… she’s fine.” What!!?? I pretty much let that go (I didn’t have a friend that lost a baby)
    I was telling my sister that I was staying with about this…and as quick as it was out of my mouth…I said OMG! OMG!
    A young man that I worked with and his wife had lost their daughter and I organized a fund raiser to help them with lost wages etc….OH, but wait!!!! It gets better!
    Besides my sister laughing and saying “told ya so, he’s good” the following morning was the biggest shocker…..had me eating crow!
    I signed on to my facebook page, and the annual “memories” page that popped up…freaked the chit out of me!!
    It was my condolences to the friend I worked with and his wife over the loss of their baby girl!! I was shocked, and said (can’t say that here) you know, the stuff you say when totally shocked??
    My sisters laughed at me and said NOW do you believe? I stared at my morning coffee, daring it to turn to wine to calm my nerves (it didn’t work) so I settled for eating crow!

  38. Hi Gordon,

    My mom and I wanted to thank you for today. We were blown away..almost everything you talked about was something my mom and I had discussed or thought about in the past 2 weeks. For the first time since my dad died, I felt a wave of happiness and lightness in my feet…because I now know 100% that my dad is around us, listening to our conversations, going out with me and my friends, watching me at work,…. You gave us such a special and life changing gift today. It is hard to put into words how meaningful it was. Thank you so much

  39. You have to experience Gord for yourself. He was awesome and I can’t wait to go again!

  40. Wow!!! Very accurate read, although at the time had me stumped. He did ask a question of someone, I said “no, can’t say I know of anyone like that” (someone who lost a baby). He said don’t worry about it, it will come to you later. lmao (can I say that)? Anyway….BAM, it came to me later like he said. lol Duh me, had a blond moment.
    Oh, did I mention I’m a bit of a skeptic? Yep, sure am.
    I loose, he wins! Gord was quick to set the record straight, I mean by what he had to say. Thanks for the read Gord, will keep you posted about September 🙂

  41. Gordon has a way helping people in there lives. He has a kindness about him. That not a lot people have.

  42. His readings are amazing. The things he said were spot on acurate. Him and his wife make you feel so welcome and at ease. Thank for all you do for people. You are the best. God Bless

  43. Before Gordon, I had never done anything like this before. I wasn’t a non-believer but I wasn’t quite a believer either. It’s hard to explain the emotion journey it was, things he just couldn’t know! I have since gained some confidence in areas where I was unsure. I see things a bit different and am considering things I may never have considered otherwise. An experience I will never forget! Thank you for helping me connect! Words can’t express my gratitude!

  44. I had the pleasure of having group readings done in my home with Gordon. There is an instant connection you feel when you meet him and it only gets better from there 🙂 He provided me with information and gifts that I can never truly thank him for. He was so accurate it was scary lol but comforting as well! It feels like you really are talking to a long lost friend!! Everyone was beyond impressed with their readings and we can not wait to do it all again!! Thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us, you are a true blessing 🙂

  45. I did not know what to expect because it was my first reading. Gordon was amazing. His reading was soo accurate. Speaking with him was like speaking with my loved ones. After the reading I felt comforted. Thank You Gordon. I will be seeing you again.

  46. I can’t thank my friend Lana Hill enough for inviting me and my partner Brian to meet Gordon Ellison. He is phenomenal. He is absolutely amazzing. He makes today a lot easier in so many ways. Just reassuring me my daddy is happy in the spirit world and that he is always with me. From the bottom of heart I say nya weh go wah. Thank you very much. Until our paths cross again.

  47. Camilo here, Colombia

    It was one of the best experiences in all my life, the way he does his work is incredible !! You just feel perfect

    Another thing is that he’s very professional, he doesn’t say thinks to keep you happy. He’s just honest with from all the way from the beginning until the end.


  48. From the first minute, I was comfortable and open. Not words usually associated with my personality! The connections that Gordon made left me feeling peaceful in several areas of my life. I’m grateful.

  49. I had a reading with Gordon back in the fall. From the beginning I was so comfortable and at ease. His gentle personality made me relaxed for what was to come in the reading. Things he told me couldn’t have been more true. He knew things I was trying to hide and told me things I was in awe of. We connected to a loved one that I had not spoken to in over 15 years before he passed. Overall, I cannot wait for my next reading from Gordon. Truly amazing at what he does.

  50. I had a reading with Mr. Gordon,,, he told me of a part for my truck was missing,,, Was so spot on,, i bought two parts, one for back up,,, now i know that spirit see’s all we do, even when we screw up,, Thank You Mr. Gordon for your help,, I said to me,, Thank God we have people like Mr. Gordon,,,,

  51. Last Saturday 7 of my family & friends had a reading with Gordon. Everyone said how comforting he was when their Reading’s were done and that they got some things answered that they have wondered about for years, things that they haven’t told anyone. Some had tears but they were tears of happiness knowing that our loved ones are okay. Thank you Gordon for another wonderful afternoon and for being the caring person that you are.

  52. Two years ago I had my first reading with Gordon. I was over the top ecstatic with my visit. I was missing my son so much and struggling with that. Gordon was able to leave me with the feeling that I was actually talking to him again. With out Gordon I’m not sure where I would be right now. I will be forever greatful for the doors he has helped me open and the guidance and wisdom he has shared with me. Thank you Gordon for the wonderful caring person that you are!!!

  53. If you want the best, Gordon is it. He has such an extraordinary ability to make you feel at ease. His talents are truly a joy to experience. Only top professionals like this one, with the best intentions. deserve such credits.

  54. On Tuesday, I had the pleasure of meeting Gordon.
    He is a wonderful man with the heart of gold.. I felt so comfortable with him and it was as if I was sitting in my own living room or that we had known each other for many years.

    My session was fantastic. I had goose bumps throughout the session. I would highly recommend you share in the” Gordon Experience!”

    With Much Gratitude,

    R Deschamps

  55. I was fortune enough to meet Gordon at a Spiritual Convention, that I almost didn’t attend…..
    My youngest daughter was crying and double over in pain, saying her stomach was sore. I wouldn’t leave her side. Shortly afterwards she felt better. Stopped puking, ate three tacos and went out to the movies. So, I headed too Burlington for this event.
    When I walked in, Gordon was channeling in the audience. I was immediately drawn to him for some reason, even before I found out he is Ojibway….like myself.
    I later took my opportunity to talk with him. He told me my relatives, who have passed on, were all around me. He wasn’t aware of the difficult divorce I am going through, or the emotional pain that is taking a toll on my girls and I. He asked me, “How long ago did your grandmother pass away?”….” She told me to tell you, that you are a great mother, and you don’t give yourself enough credit.” I didn’t say a word, but it is exactly how I feel raising my girls by myself. Gordon asked too see my right hand. So I held out my right hand, palm up and our. He then hovered his left hand over mine and looked up at me and said, “Your a Healer”…..well my eyebrows shot up, too say the least!
    Well, then I proceeded to say, “Thank you and it was nice to meet you.” And we said our goodbyes.
    Now… remember, I told you I almost didn’t go because my daughter was double over in pain, but she later felt better. Well just the other day….out of nowhere, I recall that I was comforting her and rubbing her tummy where she said it hurt……with my right hand!? Coincidence? I like to think I am a open-minded individual. Yesterday, my daughter pulled her thigh muscle, first thing in the morning. So, I grabbed some “Ice Cold” and massaged her thigh….
    with my right hand. When she arrived home from school, she said her pulled muscle didn’t hurt anymore! A pulled muscle, healed in 6 hours?
    I do believe everything happens for a reason now. I was meant to meet Gordon. This woman, who was once in the darkness of hopelessness….who had lost her Faith, somewhere along the line, now “BELIEVES”. Through Gorden, I now believe in myself and that I am a “Healer”, and have found the path I must follow.

    Once “Joy Johnston”, now
    Nimkee Kwe

  56. “Gordon came to Answers For Women’s “A Day of Mediumship” event as a Guest Medium. He was a gracious and supportive guest and an absolute pleasure to have as a part of our team, constantly going above and beyond. As a Medium, Gordon proved to be extremely intuitive and connected, sharing his gifts and messages to our guests with his unique, personable and down-to-earth, fun-loving style, humour and charm. Gordon engaged the audience and offered many messages from past loved ones and spirit, adding tips and tools for those interested in developing their intuition, plus created an opportunity for a guest in the audience to practice their intuition in front of the group.

    I would highly recommend Gordon as a Medium and would love to have him back to Answers For Women at any of our spiritual events or Weekly Workshops For Women.”

  57. Not only did I enjoy and believe in the readings, but frankly things said to me from beyond came true. Gord told me my mom from the other side stressed to me to get my left side checked right away. I have had trouble with my left shoulder, but a few months later I discovered I had breast cancer on my left breast. I am ready to get another reading and hopefully will soon !! Thanks Gord. P.s. I found writing the letter to my husband into the universe very healing.






  59. Went to see gordon with a group of 5 everybody enjoyed there reading. It’s been 2 yrs and a lot of stuff has happened that he said would. Going back again can’t wait!

  60. I had my reading with Gordon last night. He picked up on health issues I am having. The reading with Gordon is a special experience, my intention was not to talk about my health but spirit had other intentions. I got some much needed advice and some questions that only spirit could answer. Gordon is so warm, kind, caring and the real deal. I trust him with my health and the messages that I really needed from spirit. I am still processing the whole experience. Just WOW…..

  61. I thank life for introducing us to Gordon in this chapter of our lives, his reading are good and very accurate, he is kind, warm and comprehensive. His book is really a guide and has many valuable lessons for life and for transit through this stage and for us to get closer to an efficient communication with the spirit world. (Columbia)

  62. My experience with Gordon was profound. He made me feel an ease within myself; something that I hadn’t realized was missing. His messages brought me to a level of self-acceptance that I didn’t know was possible. Gordon’s gentle energy brought messages through with clarity and purpose. His guides were clear with their information, and quickly set up safe boundaries of protection when the subject matter became sensitive for me. This fun reading experience was done in a crowd of people, and I felt as if no one was aware we were there. Since my reading with Gordon, I have experienced many monumental shifts within my life. I feel more grounded, more at ease, and it is easier for me to make large decisions as I now know that things always work out for me; Gordon shed the light that this had always been the case in my life. I would highly recommend Gordon, and I look forward to working with him in the future.

  63. I had a reading from Gordon in May. Now almost three months later I am still reflecting on this profound experience. Gordon has a calm energy around him and I felt like I was talking to a friend I have known for a long time. He is gifted and his reading was amazing. If you have a change go see him. I went in with an open heart and came out with a very full heart. Thank you Gordon.

  64. I recently had a great reading with Gordon along with a relative of mine who had travelled from Wales U.K. I am always impressed by Gordon he has helped me immensely over the years. I really couldn’t wait for my family member to meet Gordon.
    He was delighted with Gordon. Gordon gave him names and information that only spirit would know.
    Gordon was the highlight of his trip!
    Many thanks to Lezlie (Gordon’s wife) for being so warm and kind.
    I will def. be seeking Gordon out again and I know my relative will be coming back and doing the same 🙂 Thanks Gordon and Lezlie!

  65. We both had our reading done tonight. Gordon was bang on about everything. Definately would recommend to friends & family. We will definately be returning.Thank you so much

  66. I was lucky enough to have my second reading from Gordon last night and meet his lovely wife. The experience helped with some questions I have had for over 2 year since my father passed. I now know that my dad is with me and I am blessed to have had his last nap together. Thank you Gordon for the calming experience.

  67. Honestly, I was skeptical about having my first reading.

    Some friends of mine recommended Gordon, and I am so happy they did. He is absolutely amazing! He gave me closure on some situations in my life that I have not told anyone about. He has truly helped me get the perspective that I have needed. Gordon is such a gifted medium and I cannot wait to have another reading from him!

    Thank you,

  68. This was one of the best experiences of my life. My reading was filled with so many emotions. Gordon touched on every aspect of my personal life such as relationships, education, work, family, friends, health etc. He was very understanding and comforting. The way he connected between myself and those that have crossed over was absolutely phenomenal. I would recommend Gordon to everyone I know. Thank you so much

  69. Hello Gordon,

    Thank you again for the great readings 🙂

    I have always been fascinated by the spiritual force that surrounds us everyday. My readings with Gordon leave me enlightened and awestruck. Talking with Gordon is like speaking with a life coach as he consistently knows what’s going on in my personal life. The validation I receive about my own thoughts and decisions is wonderful. Its much like talking to a good friend who understands you. Being able to connect with family and friends that have passed is a gift that I look forward to during our sessions. I’m usually pleasantly surprised with who comes through and the messages they bring.


  70. Gordon,

    I just want to say that the reading you gave me was the best that I have ever had. I have been going to different people for readings since I was in my late teens. You were so accurate with names, events etc. What can I say….You are phenomenal!! I have, in the last couple of days since my reading, told my friends and relatives. They can’t wait to see you. You and your wife are very kind and helpful people. I will definitely be coming back to you. Thank you so much!


  71. Well the first thing is to say thank you again, to be honest i don’t have enough words to thank you for what you have done for me and my mom, what the readings represent for us, i know in my case but i’m pretty sure in my mom’s case is the same, brought us clarity and calm on several aspects of our life, and our mind, was truly a really good experience, and thank you for being so warm, so nice with us, like once again i don’t have enough words.

  72. Thanks for your in-site. You let me know that I am going down the right path.

  73. It was an amazing experience..I was very nervous but as soon as Gord shook my hand and smiled, I knew I am at the right place and at the right time of my life where I am so overwhelmed with everything around me..
    Gord, you are God sent to people like me who helped me to feel confident about myself and prepare myself to accept things which before always left me with a question mark”why me?”
    He is so easy and nice to communicate..extremely friendly . I am really blessed to know Gord and have already spoken about him to my friends and families that how amazing he is. Would love to see him anytime.
    God bless you and your loves ones always 🙂
    Thank you so much

  74. I had a session with Gordon a couple of months ago, I have been at a loss at words as to how to explain the experience to other people. It was both overwhelming and incredible. He was aware of things no one would have ever known aside from myself. He made me feel comfortable in his presence and with the reading. He was extremely helpful and answered my questions and made me feel super motivated. I have recommended him to family and friends as well because I am so confident in the information he has provided me and want others to experience the gift he has to share.

  75. Went feeling nervous. Meet Gordon.
    He is a very friendly positive person.
    Cleared my mind .answered my questions. I left feeling calm of mind and sprit knowing that we are not alone. If we truly clear our mind and open our hearts. We can see and feel our guides are always there. Thank you Gordon.

  76. I recently met with Gord for my very first reading. He made me feel comfortable and at ease. He was able to assist me in reaching closure surrounding the loss of my mom from breast cancer. He also helped me gain insight into myself. He was so accurate during the reading about so many things. For me it was a wonderful experience.

  77. I had a session with Gordon on Tues. March 3rd (yes I was crazy enough to drive in that icy condition). I was determined to keep this appt as he was very important to me to do so!! My experience totally blew me away, and it was something I truly needed to feel some comfort and peace with regards to my one sister that passed 16 yrs ago! Gordon, you truly are amazing, and I will be back!! I also enjoyed speaking with Leslie! Truly a wonderful couple ! I have already passed out your name to half dozen people or so! I cannot thank you enough! Brenda

  78. It was nightime Gordan came to us. I was more than happy with my experience with Gordan and I can say a year and a half later he changed my life. after loosing my best friend my grandfather he helped me get through the rough times and I could finally move on in life knowing he was OK. Highly recommend!! Such a nice kind man excellent experience.

  79. I walked up to Gord and Lezlie’s home on a dark, freezing cold, wintry evening. The lights of the house cast a really warm and welcoming beacon.
    Meeting Gord; speaking with him and witnessing his special gift was like a comfortable visit to the home of a good friend who’s known you a long time.
    I had the opportunity, through Gord, to connect with a very special person as well as bringing to light some emotional and spiritual blocks I’d been facing.
    It was strange and mysterious experience, yet comforting and peaceful. Fascinating!
    I look forward to continuing my little “quest for clarity” with Gord.
    With gratitude, love and peace. ~karen

  80. Barb Weaver-Bearss
    Hi there Gordon. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to meet with you last night. Wow!! You not only validated most importantly what is going on with my life right now, my personality, but most importantly you connected with those who have had the most significance in my life. I feel so blessed to have heard from my loved ones last night. They came through loud and clear, very specifically the 2 people whom I needed validation from most!! I have always felt them with me.
    What a wonderful man with an amazing gift. I have always been a “believer”…you re-affirmed my belief. Thank you so very much. I will be seeing you again.
    Barbara Bearss

  81. Lezlie and Gordon,
    Thank you both for supporting me in coming together tonight for my session. “Profound” is the word of the year as I begin my path to healing. When it comes to payment of the session, it seemed so superficial as I handed over a measly 60 dollars, as what I experienced tonight was worth more than all of the money in the world, and I wish I had it to give you.
    Thank you sweet, graceful and genuine people… Today begins anew and everyday thereafter…
    I look forward to coming together again and again,
    With extreme warmth and smiles!

  82. I have had several meditations with Gordon and on one particular night he was able to give me answers to questions burning inside me, I was filled with such sadness and hurt and anger at losing my childhood friend (brother) and I couldn’t wrap my head around it, and with time it got easier and easier to breathe and to let go of the pain I can now enjoy what my friend has given me and know that he is always with me in my heart. The last meditation I did with Gordon I was able to float and relax and truly relax it was amazing, I am not totally healed but the anger is pretty much quiet and I can hear things other than the anger of his death. Miss my friend but loving and valuing what was given me thank you Gordon.

  83. thank you Gord, for a wonderful session. You are the first person who has accurately read me over many years. It was wonderful hearing from my dad. My mom was relieved when I recounted the information to her, and, at 98 is considering having her own reading done. You and Leslie are so warm and welcoming I felt like an old friend in for a visit rather than a “customer”. I’ll be back!

  84. I had a reading my Gord which I could related to the messages with great accuracy, I got great advice for my loved ones, and also was so grateful to Gords giving nature to assist me in with other information. Love and light to all.

  85. I went to a house part for the reading. I really believed what Gordon was saying to me. I believed that my mom and my husband came through. Things he said to me, no one else would have known about. I am a strong believer and would love to go to another house party or host one myself. Thanks Gordon!!

  86. I had Gordon come to my house to do readings for my friends and I for my 18th birthday. It was my first ever full reading and I was blown away, along with my friends who also never had a reading before. Gordon is straight forward, friendly and made us feel very comfortable. He gave me a lot of clarity on many subjects, he has made me feel a hundred times better about myself and my relationships with others. It was an emotional and eye-opening experience. He will definitely hear from me again.

  87. I first met with Gordon October, 2013 when I had a reading party for my friend. He picked up on my (then) 17 yr old daughter health issues AS SOON as he walked in my door. He then continue on to his readings of 5 women who were moved and changed for the better.
    For the last year, all my daughter has been talking about is having a reading from Gordon for her 18th birthday. Again, he did not disappoint. All of the recipients were moved and changed after their sitting with Gordon.
    Gordon is a warm, gentle man who I would welcome into my home at any time. He brings a light with him that helps heal the soul of negativity and pain.
    His wife, Lezlie, whom generally accompanies him is just as lovely. He was missed last night at our party but Gordon’s brother Gary, was a welcome face.
    Thank you again Gordon!

  88. Gordon was recommended to me by a friend. I met with him shortly after my mother passed away. I was in a great deal of pain from losing her and I had so many things I wanted to say. When I entered the Ellison home, I was greeted with such warmth and compassion. I did not know what to expect that evening, but was truly in awe as Gordon spoke of things that only my mother knew. I think of that experience often and the beautiful gift that Gordon was able to give me because of his own beautiful gift. He truly helped me through my grief. I am very blessed to have met Gordon.

  89. Here I am again vouching for my good friend Gordon Ellison, and his remarkable capabilities. I started seeing Gordon faithfully last year for advice and healing. I’ve also brought multiple family members to him. There is no other like him. His compassion is sincere, and his intimate knowledge is always dead on regarding my life. He’s not afraid to tell you exactly like it is which is often much appreciated and needed. I went to see him last week out of curiosity of my pregnancy. I suspected I may be pregnant with twins because everyone in my family was bugging me about it being due, but could not confirm this through a doctor as my ultrasound was months away. Gordon told me there was two babies coming, and I really didn’t believe him but low and behold- at an emergency ultrasound today, I was told I am having twins! Besides his accuracy from every reading, he offers friendship that is unconditional. I love going to see Gordon. I am still excited, nervous and very curious every time I walk through his door and it’s truly an incredible experience that never loses it’s magic! If you’ve ever considered seeing a medium or psychic, you need look no further!

  90. If you have been lead to this page of testimonials, you’re here for a reason…that reason is you are now ready to be blessed with the many “gifts from Gordon”. As many have already learned, and so many in the future will soon know, Gordon is the real deal. He is an honest, genuine, heartfelt healer and Medium with only the best intentions for all. There have been many spiritual people who have crossed my path, and this is the only time I have ever felt compelled to write a testimonial. Much love and gratitude to Gordon for making such a profound impact on my life and blessings to all of you who read this and make the investment in yourself and your future to have a reading with Gordon.

  91. It was an honour to have Gordon on our May 23rd show of Beyond The Mundane ( He was so informative, and his channeling was awesome! He creates a clear path of understanding about Mediumship, Healing and Chanelling. His understanding of Spirit is vast. His insightful explanations of afterlife, and his amazing understanding of Spirit intrigued our audience. Randi and I were amazed at this channeling. He was informative and entertaining.

    Please feel free to listen to his episode:

  92. I went to Gordon’s meditation for the first time, I mean the first time I actually made it to the meditation part, and wow, it was fantastic, the energy in the room was fantastic, not only does Gordon do the meditation but if healing needs to be done, then that gets addressed as well. Amazing night, thank you!

  93. Gordon is a caring, sensitive and very intuitive man. I wrote to him not expecting him to answer, or at least not to answer in such detail, however, I was shocked to see that he replied to me in less than an hour, saying he just had to write me back quickly. He shared very comforting words of wisdom, and for someone like me, that has absolutely no one in this world to talk to, he took the time to heal the pain and sorrow I hold heavily in my heart and soul.
    Gordon is a GEM, my only regret is not finding him years ago, then maybe things would have been different for me, had I had his guidance.
    Not to mention a very important fact, Gordon did not ask 1 penny from me, all this, out of the kindness of his heart.

  94. I wasn’t sure why I was going to see Gordon……. didn’t know what to expect – when you walk into Gord and Lezlie’s home you will feel the immediate warmth, it makes you feel safe. My reading was enlightening to say the least and I believe my first step towards my freedom of choosing to live a life I have always dreamed about. Gordon and Lezlie are both warm loving souls who are making the world a better place ….

  95. Genuine compassion and powerful motivation are two notions I experienced during Gordon’s reading. I am so grateful to my Spirit Guides/Angels for introducing me to this man at the right moment. Gordon represents the closest voice to the truth as he speaks it in every possible way. What a gentle Soul he is! Indeed, the energy he brought forward in our reading was very loving and he was able to channel important messages from my loved ones on the other side with such clarity. Gordon made me feel more confident about my abilities and gave me concrete advice in order to pursue my spiritual journey in the right direction. Thank you Gordon for sharing your intuition and wisdom with me. I will forever be grateful to you and am sincerely honoured to have met you in this life. Continue helping others through your beautiful life mission!

  96. I have been lucky enough to speak with Gordon several times over the last couple of years. Recently, I met with Gordon and he told me exactly what I needed to hear. This is not to be confused about what one “wants to hear”, as these can be very different things. He speaks the truth and speaks it with kind, gentle words, in a way that speaks directly to your soul. These words may not be easy to hear, but they are indescribable in their power and wisdom. He truly cares about people and about sharing his gift to help others. I was at a low point in my life, and Gordon has helped show me that I can go on a better path to find my own spirituality and happiness. I am a work-in-progress, but I know I am worth the work and effort. I remind myself of Gordon’s words of encouragement and I know I can make it.

  97. I would like to recommend Gordon Ellison. In a business of questionable reputations, he is a very sincere individual. I never believed in this sort of thing until Gordon appeared on my radio show. On and off the air he told me things about myself that nobody else in the world knows except me.

    He answered question I wanted to ask before I asked him. I was shocked at his accuracy. I was so impressed that I held a party at my home featuring him for private readings. The reactions varied. Some of my friends came out of the private room revealed, some were crying, some were shocked at what he knew and even the ones who doubted him, still asked about how he knew some detail of their secret lives.

    Nobody in Gordon’s position can hit the ball 100% of the time but for me it was at least 80%.

  98. Gordon is an amazingly gifted man who has truly found his calling in life. He has brought peace to both my mother and myself through his ability to communicate with our passed on loved ones and through his sincere caring nature. I feel incredibly lucky that he was able to share his gift with me and I will be forever grateful 🙂 Gordon, I hope you realize how special you are and how much peace you bring to those you touch. 🙂

  99. It is truly amazing what Gordon has done for my family. After only meeting for a short period he has helped my family tremendously. Speaking with Gordon felt like I was speaking directly with my little sister which left me speechless. Thank you Gordon!

  100. I came into the Mediation group only two weeks ago but ever since then I have had such a spiritual change in my life. Words can not describe the experience that I have been having. All the negative has suddenly moved out of my life and more positive has come. I am so happy to have met Gordon and the group. They have welcomed me with open arms and I have felt like a family with them. I would recommend Gordon. He has such a beautiful spirit about him. He opens your spiritual senses that you didn’t know you even had or could use. I would truly recommend Gordon.
    Thank you.,

  101. I was a set of nerves for my reading and Gord put me at ease pretty quickly. His reading was accurate and true to my life. My grandma was with us through it and “hearing” her was a great comfort. His predictions were within an understandable time frame and I truly would recommend him to everyone and have recently done this!

    I will be having another reading when the time feels right as I was truly touched by his ability.

    Thank you Gordon.

  102. I was quite nervous when I first met Gordon for a reading. However he put me at ease right away and was very understanding. In my reading Gordon was identify many of my life experiences both past and present – and what to watch out for in the future. He was even able to tell me a out my friend who had recently passed away. Every time since that reading when I have spoken with him, I have always appreciated his advice and wisdom!

  103. …the truth is …I have sat here writing and deleting paragraphs about my experience with Gordon but none of the words I chose to write could explain how elated and lucky I am to have Gordon and his beautiful wife Leslie in my life. My first reading with Gordon was so accurate & fulfilling it was the first time I have ever left a psychic mediums home without any questions…it is unbelievable how truly amazing he really is… I have also attended a meditation class and will continue to go ….I feel blessed and whole heartedly accepted into a small group of peaceful people unconditionally. ..It feels as if weight is lifted off of my shoulders…
    Thank You for all of your kind words, all of your advice & welcoming me into your home…i will be forever grateful!!!
    Sincerely Cammie

  104. I had the pleasure of being invited to a reading with Gordon. At 1st I was so intimidated and nervous about meeting him. I was a also a little skeptical at 1st because I have heard so many negative comments about psychics, and I do know a lot of them to be true, but this wasn’t the case with Gordon! Right away before our session had started, he had known exactly what I was thinking about a certain funny situation that had gone on in the washroom and when I walked out, he was standing there and told me what I was thinking and was so right! I was shocked! We then went into our reading and he had me in tears the 1st 5 mins! He had told me so many things about myself that I have NEVER shared with ANYONE! He brought out some deep dark secrets about myself that I have been suppressing for so many years!! The most amazing and selfless thing about Gordon (and I’m sure many will agree) is that he offers advice and solutions to those deep dark secrets and also offers advice (if you want it) to any postitive/negative decisions that you have been pondering in your life! He is such a KIND, WARM, LOVING, CARING, GENUINE and SINCERE human being! He makes you feel right at home and want to open up to him. I feel I could benefit from him as a psychologist and life coach as well!! Thank you so much for coming into my life Gordon!! I would highly recommend going for a reading with him!!

  105. Thank you Gordon and Leslie for being such kind, sincere folk. You make me feel so welcome when I visit your home. I thoroughly enjoyed the channeling session I recently had and I thank you for giving me such encouragement and sound advice. I have had several readings with Gordon and I have never been disappointed. Gordon is down to earth, humble and honest, his sincerity and compassion makes you feel right at home.
    Thank you for your sound advice and your loving
    spirit it is very much appreciated.

  106. Through my life I have meet a number of self proclaimed psychics and they have all turned out to be exactly that, self proclaimed and self indulged. I have become very critical and cautious when such people come into my life. The psychic wannabe’s that play on people’s weakness, misery, sorrows and trust with uneducated guessing.

    Gordon now is a different breed, empathetic, sensitive, factual. Gordon’s demeanour is absolute in helping others. With Gordon it is not about the mighty dollar or personal gain and his reputation comes from truth, not fiction.

    I would recommend Gordon’s services to everyone.

  107. Gordon, you intimidated me at first because I wasn’t sure what to expect, actually I was a little scared, but you made me feel comfortable and like I was in the company of an old friend. The things you told me were so accurate and I am beyond grateful I had the opportunity to meet with you.. looking forward to seeing you again, thank you so much!

  108. I recently had the opportunity to go to see Gordon as a guest at a party, and well was quite sceptical to say the least. I have never been one for any of this type of thing but I thought I would give it a shot due to my friend and her coaxing. The first four sentences out of Gordon’s mouth I wanted to run out of the room. He was dead on. He knew things that no soul could ever know about me, I have never once said anything to anyone about certain things that he knew.
    I will definitely see Gordon again.

  109. Having a reading with Gordon is very enlightening. He is doing his work for the right reason, helping others is his passion. He has taught me to always trust my intuition. Gordon is extremely kind hearted, nurturing. I am lucky to have him in my life.

  110. Hi Gord..
    Just wanted to thank you for the reading that I had with you…totally not what I were so accurate and what a thrill to meet Samuel…I didn’t expect spirit to have such a great sense of humor..It’s been a positive and reassuring experience…and again thank you and you will see me again

  111. Hi Gordon

    This is Cammie’s friend from the seance. I just wanted to thank you for everything you said, it gave me strength for what was to come that evening. I feel like everything makes sense now in my head, it always had actually, but I doubted myself like you said. It is a great feeling…to trust your thoughts. Everything you told me and the support made me feel whole again. I feel like it sounds crazy but It’s as though you’re were my guardian angel that night. It was definitely meant to happen but without the words you gave me, I might not have been strong enough to deal with it how I am right now. I also have the confidence in myself, and in my decisions. I’m so happy to say that even though we just met briefly I feel another true friend has come into my life. I may be able to finally sleep soundly…it’s been a long time coming. Thank you so much


  112. I just wanted to thank you for the reading that you validated for me last night. You put many things into perspective and answered questions that I always had wondered. As I had said to you last night, I knew that I was suppose to meet with you for a reading, and I already knew some(not all) of what you were going to say to me. Again, I would just like to thank you. I am certain that I will see you again in the future.


  113. I met Gordon a year ago and my first reading was incredible and I was completely blown away!!! Gordon is a very talented and gifted man. Thank you Gordon for connecting me to spirit and for a beautiful reading. Since my first experience I feel healed, comforted and inspired. Your gift is unbelievable.

  114. I attended a private channelling session at Gordon’s home in Fort Erie. I went in with no expectations, simply an open heart. What I received in turn was a true gift. A session with Gord translates as a deeply personal counselling session. He is disarming in his openness & you immediately feel relaxed in his presence. Conversing with guides Chamuel & Sacreah was powerful and eye-opening. They were able to offer guidance and spiritual insight into my personal thoughts, feelings & relationships without any prior knowledge. Their guidance helped me to move forward with clarity & new-found insight on my development, fears & past lives. My session with Gordon was wonderful and I will most certainly be using his services in future.

  115. “Gord Ellison is a very talented medium, not to mention human being.”

    Barry Z. Shainbaum

  116. I hope that last night you could feel the sincere gratitude from both myself and my daughter. Not only have you confirmed for that we are without a doubt eternal beings, such a blessing in itself knowing; you confirmed it for the dr that I brought along with me. You reached so many in doing so. Your message from his brother confirmed direct questions the dr had even though the dr himself did not receive a reading. If you were not authentic, how could you have known and answered the questions through me without the dr being in the reading. They were his direct questions surrounding the loss though he not shared them out loud.

    This is such a gift for this man while he has to face in his field death so frequently. We left talking about the peace he could help so many achieve as they transitioned if he could not heal them medically, he could at least assure them their lives were only beginning. The transition does not have to be panicked. People trust drs. Through my reading you reached a dr that will reach many.

    You’ve personally given peace to me in not only that knowledge but also surrounding my fathers death which has caused agony for me over the last two decades.

    What a beautiful man you are putting in perceptive for others how tragedy especially is a blessing for a souls evolution. In that knowledge there is peace because it allows for forgiveness.

    Your skills are very much a great gift to humanity. I’m honoured to know you.

    You solidified with specific detailing for several people I know that you made contact with the other side undoubtedly. Your skill at assessing our subconscious minds I believe is astounding for guidance. I highly recommend your services to all. I commend you for your kind, insightful, amazing work.

    Kimberly Comeau

  117. I just recently had a reading with Gordon. I sat down very anxiously, no shortage of nerves, and no idea what to expect. After 30 seconds of this man talking to me, it was like he knew and loved me my whole life. IT felt like ten years of therapy in thirty minutes. He has a beautiful gift, he is a beautiful man. It was incredibly personal, individual, and bang on accurate to my life. It is an amazing experience. I even got to talk to my Nanny, who passed two years ago. I would recommend anyone struggling with anything in this physical world to go see him. It is a life changing experience. He can help you too. Thanks again Gordon!

  118. One of the first things that struck me about the channel reading from Gordon is that it’s other worldly but the message was relevant to this world, very much so. The eloquence and humor of the angels were comforting as well as up lifting. I would recommend Gordon to anyone who wants to connect with the other side.

  119. I recently had a session with Gordon, and I have to agree with all these other comments. He is truly amazing and helped me understand everything that was happening around me, and centering me. It truly is like having an emotional hug!

  120. I was one of those “on the fence” folks about psychics – we went to them as a lark when we were younger, but I never truly thought anyone could convey messages the way Gordon does. My initial contact with him quite frankly blew my mind and my subsequent meetings with him have been just as remarkable. There is no way Gordon could ever have known the things he knew had someone not been telling him. His gift is truly amazing to see in action.

  121. I met Gordon a few years ago, he was able to help me sort out a few details in a very short time. Gordon has helped out many people with meditation and I look forward to doing meditation one day with him.

    Blessings Gordon!

  122. After more than twenty years of witnessing professional psychic mediums in action, I can say with confidence that Gordon Ellison is as good as they come.

  123. Initially, I only intended on purchasing Gordon’s book “The Guidance Within” and then was fortunate to have him sign my book, I say fortunate because in just a few minutes, Gordon delivered messages from my sweet angel. Met with Gordon later for a longer period of time and the messages that he brought forward from my angel were invaluable to my healing process. Speaking with Gordon was like speaking directly with my loved one who is missed so dearly every single day. Thank you Gordon

  124. To know Gordon is to know the true meaning of a friend. He is a kind, compassionate, caring and genuine with a great sense of humour. I have had the privilege to see how he touches peoples lives, deliver guidance and the ability to make peace within themselves. He has made a difference in my life and the lives of many of my friends.

  125. I was at a point in my life a number of years back. Tired of going in circles. Gord helped with giving me direction and insight in my life to get me more on a spiritual path. I have attended his weekly meditations for many years, learned much from him and the angels that he channels. He his humorous, gentle, loving, personable and always willing to help when needed. He helps people to help themselves. He is here to make a difference in this world and certainly has in mine and many others.

  126. I will always be grateful to Gord, his intent is to help, and help he did , changed my life and it indeed needed a change. I needed guidance and someone to wake me up to what was going on in my life and with his gifts he could see how to help, and he told me things that got me heading in the right direction, I originally went for entertainment, but received so much more, my life seemed like an open door, and he could see inside. A reading like no other, simply incredible!

  127. I have to admit, I went into the whole “readings” thing as a huge skeptic. Even after I received my information I had doubts, especially when it seemed that things were moving in a different direction than I had been told they would. Then quite suddenly there were huge changes in my life and everything he had told me became crystal clear and absolutely accurate.

    I have also attended a seance with Gord, and it was a very moving experience.

    Aside from his talents, he is a very nice person and an awesome friend. I live for his hugs, and the light in his eyes. If you get a chance, get to know this man!

  128. Gord is not like any other psychic he is an emotional healer the energy and guidance he and his messages bring are profound, uplifting and make the physical world make sense. Having a session with Gord is like having a soothing emotional hug. My recommendations are of the most highest.

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